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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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Rainbow Honours

Sarah Jane Moon, Hero Johnson, Diana Horton, Laura Smith

Heatherleys at the Rainbow Honours 2019

Wednesday 04 Dec 2019

Heatherleys was proud to be represented at the inaugural Rainbow Honours at Madame Tussaud’s last week. ‘Four of us from Heatherleys attended the Rainbow Honours Award Ceremony on the 4th of December on behalf of the school. We were short-listed for an award in the Small Brand category for supporting and championing members of the […]


Heatherleys is Shortlisted for a Rainbow Honours Award

Wednesday 04 Dec 2019

Heatherleys is proud to be shortlisted for a Rainbow Honours Award. ‘The Rainbow Honours, a celebration of those who have stood out in their support for the LGBTQ+ community will take place on 4th December at Madame Tussauds in London. Honours will go to the people and organisations who show commitment to equality all year round […]