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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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Sarah-Jane Moon selected for Madam F Queer Britain Art Awards 2024

Saturday 01 Jun 2024

Artist Award

  Artist and Heatherleys tutor Sarah-Jane Moon is in the top 10 selected for Madam F Queer Britain Art Awards 2024     Sarah Jane Moon‘s portrait of New York based photographer Lola Flash has been selected as one of the Top 10 in the Madam F Queer Britain Art Awards this year. With a career spanning […]

Winners of the Heatherleys Award for Sculpture and the Heatherleys Award for Drawing at the Chelsea Art Society

Chelsea Art Society 73rd Annual Exhibition

Thursday 23 Jun 2022

16 June - 20 June

The Society’s annual Open Art Exhibition in Chelsea This firmly established annual event, has had its home at Chelsea Old Town Hall since 1994. Over 800 paintings and sculptures are shown, selected from more than twice that number. The event attracts not only established artists but also younger artists producing fresh and innovative work. Congratulations […]