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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Watercolour Painting


18 - 22 August 2025

Five days
Monday to Friday
10:00am to 4:00pm

Course #: SC16

places available


Watercolour Painting

A step-by-step guide through the use of watercolour techniques will enable you to gain confidence in using this fascinating medium.

Glazing, painting wet into wet, the use of colour and choice of paper will be introduced and you will be able to develop your own approach through subjects that include still life, flower painting, landscape and the human figure.

This course is suitable for beginners and for those who wish to revitalise their watercolour techniques.

Tutor: Penelope Anstice

18 - 22 August 2025

Five days
Monday to Friday
10:00am to 4:00pm

Course #: SC16

Featured Paintings: Louise Branton, Penelope Anstice, Natasha Lien

Course Materials

Please bring the following materials with you at the start of the course
including the basic palette colours. This saves time with getting started on
the first day. You can add other colours as the week progresses. Larger sheets of watercolour paper are available from the school shop. Note: 5ml tubes of watercolour are preferable to pans but a good quality box of paints will suffice.

Basic Palette

Ultramarine blue

Cerulean blue

Cadmium Yellow medium

Cadmium Lemon

Cadmium Red

Alizarin Crimson

Burnt Sienna

Yellow Ochre

Optional extra colours


Permanent rose

Paynes Grey

Burnt Umber

Brushes (can be nylon or sable)

2 Medium round ended brushes size 10 or 12

1 Small round ended brush size 3 or 4

1 large flat brush (1” or more) for washes


A3 pad of medium rough Watercolour paper (at least 200g in weight)

OR large single sheets of watercolour paper can be bought daily at

Another smaller sketch pad

You will also need:

2 good-sized plastic mixing palette

2 x generous containers for water (chopped off plastic water bottles will do)

1 small sponge

1 bottle of masking fluid
1 roll of masking tape
1 x 2B drawing pencil and a soft rubber


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