Introduction to Printmaking
Explore and develop your artwork using traditional printmaking methods with a contemporary approach.
This course is suitable for both beginners and those with more experience.
Beginners will be helped to develop their confidence and personal creativity by means of a range of techniques and processes. Students with more experience will be guided to develop personal projects and to extend their knowledge and creativity.
Techniques covered: lithography, etching, aquatint, open bite, soft ground etching and mono-printing with mixed media, linocuts or woodcut – including printing with colour plates.
At the end of the course you will have the option to exhibit your work. Showcasing prints you have created during the course will help you to understand how to promote and market your work.
28 April – 7 July / 6.30pm – 9.00pm
9 weeks / No half term break
Tutor: Ron Best
Course #: MN02
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