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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

A Week Working with the Figure


11 - 15 August 2025

Five days
Monday to Friday
10:00am to 4:00pm

Course #:SC3

places available


A Week Working with the Figure

We will be working with the figure using a variety of means and tools.

We will make an experimental journey approaching the human form in an experience that we understand as “expanded life drawing”. From rapid response to prolonged manipulation of media, we will help you to break new ground in your drawing practice.

This workshop will provide a valuable opportunity to enhance your drawing. We will introduce elements that will stimulate and revitalise your work with the figure. As well as dry drawing materials we will be using paint, ink and collage.

This course welcomes beginners as well as those with experience of drawing.

Tutors:  George Levantis and Tony Mott

11 - 15 August 2025

Five days
Monday to Friday
10:00am to 4:00pm

Course #: SC3

Course Materials

Please bring these materials with you on the first day:

4B pencil
Putty rubber
Plastic eraser
White chalk
2 sticks medium charcoal
1 stick compressed charcoal
1 2″ cheap decorator’s brush (from Pound Shop)
1 box soft pastels
Cheap hairspray (to use as fixative)
Masking tape
Acrylic paints (60ml tubes) black, white and yellow ochre

You will be able to buy paper from your tutor. Please bring cash or a payment card with you.


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