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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Draw Draw Draw – The Excitement of Drawing


AFTERNOONS ONLY 2:30pm –  5.00pm

23 April – 9 July / 2:30pm –  5.00pm
12 Wednesdays / No half term break

Tutor: George Levantis

Course #: WD45

places available


Draw Draw Draw – The Excitement of Drawing

AFTERNOONS ONLY 2:30pm –  5:00pm

If you love to draw, join artist George Levantis for an enriching, rewarding experience delving into the practice.

Drawing is energy, excitement, and joy—it becomes even more enjoyable when you unlock your inner creativity, embracing warmth and spontaneity.

By discovering the triggers that release your personality into your artwork, you will develop your own expressive style, gaining a fresh understanding of what drawing can be and how your work comes to life.

What to Expect
You will use a wide range of materials from charcoal, pencil, graphite, pastel, as well as collage, tape and brushwork.


Classes will be held both in the studio and outdoors, with visits to art galleries, museums, parks, and gardens, where you will learn to observe and develop your visual perception.

All levels. Beginners welcome.


23 April – 9 July / 2:30pm –  5:00pm
12 Wednesdays / No half term break

Tutor: George Levantis

Course #: WD45

Course Material

Please bring the following materials with you to your first class:

  • Willow charcoal
  • Compressed charcoal
  • Pencils: 2B and 4B
  • Graphite stick: 9B
  • Masking Tape


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