Ignacio Lalanne will be running classes in Mindfulness for Well-being and Creativity at Heatherleys this Summer Term. Here he shares with us what led him to develop this practice as part of his own artistic development –
‘I began to deepen my mindfulness practice after I experienced a sudden lost of hearing a few years ago. The loss turned out to be permanent and no one could tell me why it had happened. Mindfulness helped me greatly to be able to cope better with the stress and anxiety this caused and enabled me to be more present in my life in general.
In turn I found mindfulness practice had a direct positive affect in the way I was creating art and unlocking my creativity. Over time the two practices have become one.
Stress, worry and anxiety are struggles most of us have on a way or another at some point in our lives and my workshops are designed to use the techniques of mindfulness and meditation in a creative way to give you an increased sense of presence in your own life.
I’m also a professional artist with a degree in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins and I find it is an immense privilege to help others improve their lives.
I hope you will join me in cultivating your inner creativity, awareness and compassion using a warm, fun and approachable path to mindfulness and improved well-being ‘
For full details and to book a place please see our part-time courses page.
Starting 1st of May from 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Every Wednesday for 7 weeks