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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Continuing Studies / Portfolio Preparation

Continuing Studies offers a flexible pattern of study suitable both for students preparing for further and higher education courses in art and design and for those returning to specialist study.


A course is planned in consultation with the Director of Studies and is comprised of a selection of part-time classes in painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture.

Normally the Continuing Studies programme begins in September although it is possible to enrol for spring and summer terms. Class units are supplemented by personal tutorials, gallery visits and lectures on fine art theory and practice. Continuing Studies students may also attend Diploma Course art history lectures.


Course Structure

A programme of study is based on attendance in tutored class units and it is possible to negotiate for the use of untutored studio facilities. Specialist areas such as the print studio and sculpture workshop may be used after an induction. With the necessary degree of commitment it is possible to build a portfolio of work for application for a foundation course.

If you already have a portfolio of work you may be able to supplement this for application to a degree or postgraduate course. Modification to the weekly pattern of study can be made in consultation with a personal tutor at any point during a term.


Tutored classes can be selected from the Open Studio and Day and Evening Classes.

The following subjects are available: 

  • Drawing/Life Drawing
  • Oil Painting
  • Watercolour
  • Printmaking
  • Sculpture
  • Portraiture
  • Ceramic Sculpture

A certificate is awarded at the end of the period of study. Heatherley’s can provide full support for applications to further courses. This will include references and portfolio preparation.


Admission Requirements

Applicants must be 18 years old by 15 September in the year they intend to commence the course.

Heatherley’s looks favourably towards applications from mature students. Interviews can be arranged for entry in any of the three academic terms.

An application form should be completed and returned to the School Office. Following receipt of the form, an interview date is offered. A portfolio of recent work should be brought to the interview.

Applications for Academic Year 2024-25

Fees 2024-25

(Based on a 36-week academic year)

15 hours tutored classes per week £6,396
20 hours tutored classes per week £8,528

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