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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Heatherleys Exhibition: Susan Engledow – Early and Late Paintings

10 June – 28 June 2024


Susan Engledow: Early and Late Paintings

An exhibition curated by Andrew Warrington


Susan Engledow, who was former Director and founder of the Portrait Diploma Course at Heatherleys, sadly passed away in May 2022. As a tutor at Heatherleys she touched and changed the lives of many of her students. In celebration of the important contribution that Susan made to our school, we will be hosting this exhibition of her early and late work in our Conservatory Gallery.


Susan’s last exhibition at Heatherley was in November 2012 and showcased her, “fascination of observation and interest in the meeting of abstraction and figuration.”

“Whatever the subject, human, still-life or landscape, the point where drawing and painting meet has always been a passionate interest.”


Still Life, 2020-21, by Susan Engledow.
Still Life, 2020-21, by Susan Engledow.



Private View
Wednesday 12 June 2024
6.00pm – 8.00pm

Exhibition Dates
Monday 10 June – Friday 28 June 2024
10.00am – 4.00pm⁠
Last entry on 28 June is 3.00pm

The Heatherley School of Fine Art⁠
75 Lots Road, London SW10 0RN
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At Heatherleys

Susan was the former Director and founder of the Portrait Diploma Course at Heatherleys


Diploma in Portraiture

A two-year course for aspiring painters, the Diploma in Portraiture offers challenges that equip any student to approach painting in whatever way, or direction, they wish to take it.

You will learn to deal with structure, anatomy, colour, composition and the use of materials within a friendly environment with live models. Attempting to capture not just a likeness but a sense of a person, a living presence, will prepare the ground for students to pursue and shape an exciting, fulfilling, independent career as a painter of any kind, not only in portraiture. Read more.