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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

2025-26 Courses

The current course catalogue

Heatherleys offers a wide selection of courses including Diploma, part time, holiday and open studio sessions. Tutorial support is also available.

 Diploma courses

Diploma in Portraiture

The course is a carefully structured programme written within a framework of observational painting and drawing using the human model. You will be grounded in the skills needed to work from direct observation and will be helped to develop these skills into a personal body of work.

Diploma and Post Diploma
in Figurative Sculpture

A carefully structured programme written within a strong figurative focus and based on foundation study of the human form. We will help you to develop your own creative voice and give you the practical skills and the knowledge you will need to work independently as an artist.

A colourful, dynamic, abstracted figurative painting by Heatherleys Post Diploma In Figurative Painting graduate Sally Minns. Title: Zeus and the Swan

Post Diploma in Figurative Painting

An exciting and challenging one-year Post-Diploma Course in Figurative Painting. This course offers a period of development and transition between graduate studies in figurative painting or portraiture and starting out on your own as an independent artist.

Continuing Studies/
Portfolio Preparation

Comprised of a selection of part-time classes in painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture, Continuing Studies offers a flexible pattern of study suitable both for students preparing for further and higher education courses in art and design and for those returning to specialist study.

Part Time

Part Time Courses

Our day and evening classes are open to beginners as well as those with some experience and include life drawing, portrait painting, oil painting, watercolour, ceramics, figurative sculpture and printmaking.

Courses | Heatherley's School of Fine Art, Chelsea, London

Holiday Courses

Heatherleys offers a variety of week-long courses in July and August. Each course has a defined set of aims and objectives and by selecting a range of courses it is possible to create a portfolio of work.

A student painting from a model in an art studio at Heatherleys.

Open Studio

The Heatherley School of Fine Art Open Studio is based on the traditional French Atelier system. It gives artists open access to a studio in which they are able to work from a model with the assistance of a tutor.

Tutorial Support

Two one-hour tutorials per term with a designated tutor. This scheme may be helpful if you’ve completed a full time course and would like to maintain tutorial contact whilst working independently.